In this episode Brother Jonathan briefly talks about B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort. There is a lot said about these two men, and a lot of quotations are thrown around. The question is, are they really as important as people make them out to be?
Who are Westcott
and Hort, and does it really matter?
Episode 15
Remnant Bible
a. Some people are really tired of hearing
the names of B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort. Independent Fundamental Baptists are
told that they are pretty much the Devil incarnate in their aims and work. Other
denominations, like Southern Baptists, you’re probably used to having to defend
against Fundamentalist arguments. Their names get thrown around a lot. I don’t
know if most people have ever actually looked into their works or their own
personal views.
b. I actually bought first edition copies of
Life and Letters of Fenton J.A. Hort and
Brooke Foss Westcott: Bishop of Durham
in order to check the quotations that are thrown back and forth. Context is
always important when you look up things like this.
c. But in addition to that, the question
really is whether or not they matter as much as people try to say. Have they
really impacted things that much?
are they?
a. Fenton John Anthony Hort was born on
April 23rd 1828 in Dublin. He graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge
in 1850. He did some stuff for 20 years like getting married, continuing his
own studies, writing essays, responding to letters, establishing the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology,
etc. Then he was asked to be part of the revision committee of the Authorized
Version in 1870. He, along with B.F. Westcott, published their new Greek text
at the same time.
b. Brooke Foss Westcott was born on January
12th 1825 in Birmingham. He also graduated from Trinity College,
Cambridge. He actually graduated with double first-honors. He stayed at Trinity
as a fellow and took on pupils. He took the Regius Professorship of Divinity at
Cambridge in November 1870. He also joined the revision committee for the
revision of the Authorized Version in 1870.
do they get brought up in the discussion of Bible Versions?
a. For their work in Textual Criticism.
talked a lot about this in our episode Bible Versions Part 3: Textual Criticism
and Manuscript Evidence and also Part 4: Textual Theory.
b. For their personal theological views.
c. For their work in editing and translating
the Revised Version.
their personal beliefs affect their work?
a. I was originally going to do like others
and go over some direct quotes from Westcott and Hort, but, frankly, I really
didn’t feel like going over it for the enth time. Fundamentalists have a
million websites up for you to look their quotes up. Other people have spent
equally enormous time and effort to defend Westcott and Hort. There are also
websites out there to defend the exact same quotes from Westcott and Hort.
b. It is interesting looking at all the
quotes from these guys. It’s even more interesting if you take the time, though
it’s pretty boring, to actually read their life and letters and writings. But
the fact is, and this can’t be denied, information is greatly misquoted and
misrepresented a lot of times by Fundamentalists about Westcott and Hort. I
have experience in this because when I was first saved I began in the
Independent Fundamental Baptist denomination. In time I began to check into
things that I was taught, doctrinally as well as in things like this, and
consistently came to a different conclusion. I blindly repeated the things that
I was told. Lots of people today, not just Fundamentalists, do this quite
c. A point that is brought up quite
consistently by those who oppose the views of Fundamentalists regarding Bible
Versions is the fact that if you eliminate the work of people that you disagree
with theologically then you make the list very short. All Bible versions that
are available today, except reprints of things like the Wycliffe Bible or
Tyndale Bible, are built upon what happened in manuscript work and textual
criticism work done in the 18th and 19th century.
Westcott and Hort were two of the most notable men of the 19th
century in the field of criticism.
d. James White, who himself opposes the
Fundamentalist views of the Authorized Version, had this to say about Westcott
and Hort:
the sense that Westcott and Hort correctly identified the need to examine the
relationships of manuscripts and demonstrated that it is not enough to count
manuscripts—that instead we must weigh manuscripts (some being more important
than others as witnesses to the original text)—one can say that modern texts are based upon their work. However,
modern textual criticism has gone far beyond them and in many instances has
corrected imbalances in their own conclusions.” (James White, The King James Only Controversy, p. 139,
footnote 16.
e. White shows his own bias in this quote
because it is incorrect to simplify the issue of manuscript evidence to “weight
vs. number”. The studies of Scrivener, Burgon, von Soden, Hoskier, and Lake
have proved that the great numbers of manuscripts we have that form the
majority are not siblings. Evidence and studies from multiple scholars has
shown that they come from independent parent manuscripts. So weight then goes
to the majority. White states, regardless of his erroneous view, that modern Textual
Criticism owes a lot to the foundation laid by Westcott and Hort.
is their work in Textual Criticism and New Testament translation that has been
the main point of contention. Some may argue that their beliefs lead to their
work or at the least contributes to it. They have a good point to argue. But
the fact remains that if you eliminate people that you don’t agree with
theologically then you probably eliminate Erasmus, Tyndale, Wycliffe, John
Burgon, all the King James translators: in effect, King James only advocates
eliminate pretty much everyone who contributed to the making of the King James
version of the Bible. Their opponents, like James White, know this and exploit
this fact very well.
they made a lasting effect?
a. To give you an idea of the real effect
that Westcott and Hort had on the realm of Bible Versions, you have to
appreciate the event that was the translation of the Revised Version.
Regardless of people’s opinion of the Revised Version, it was a very
significant event in Bible translation history. Even men such as John Burgon,
who wrote the remarkable book The
Revision Revised, stated that if the committee of the Revised Version had
stayed within the guidelines that were given them then it would’ve been one of
the greatest contributions to Biblical Textual work ever.
b. Even scholars who are not King James
Version advocates have openly stated that the Revised Version was a bad work
because its workers had a bad hermeneutic. I’m thinking specifically of Dr.
Jason Lisle with that point. It’s a fact attested to by people who were
contemporaries with the Revised Version’s release that Dr. Hort and Dr.
Westcott forced certain points through the committee. Often it was Dr. Hort
arguing against Dr. Scrivener and the majority often went with Dr. Hort.
c. The Revised Version essentially opened
the floodgate. That’s not my opinion either. If you check into the number of
Bible translations, it was the release of the Revised Version that changed
things. Philip Schaff stated that if the Revised Version failed to supplant the
supremacy of the Authorized Version it would open a floodgate of Bible
versions. Time has proven him to be correct. One could argue that the multitude
of Bible versions is a good thing, but I disagree.
d. Nowadays every single publishing company
has a formal-equivalency version, and every one of them have a
dynamic-equivalency version; and they all have multitudes in-between. It’s
become an industry for making money that has no integrity.
e. Westcott and Hort helped to further, and
cement, the view of Textual Criticism that relies on subjectivity. Even today
many people who are involved in translation repeat the same arguments for “internal
considerations” and “subjective judgments” that Hort championed—even though
they’ve been shown to be unscholarly and foolish for over one-hundred years. If
you don’t believe me, read anything by John William Burgon.
you want some longer talk on Dr. Hort’s Textual Criticism listen to the two
episodes where we discuss them at length.
a. In my opinion, even though I’m not an
Independent Fundamental Baptist, it is impossible to deny that the work of
Westcott and Hort is very integral to understanding why things are the way they
are in the realm of Bible versions today.
b. The problem comes when we have people
throwing out bad arguments, misrepresenting quotes, and have a lack of humility
or integrity that desires truth over bias. That being set aside, people can
have all those things and still come to the same conclusion. I’ve seen scholars
expose all the false arguments and bad information by Fundamentalists and then
sweep under the rug all the things that are legitimate concerns. If you want an
example of this read James White.
c. In my opinion, Westcott and Hort
absolutely matter to the discussion of Bible Versions. Just like Griesbach,
Tregelles, and Tishcendorf absolutely matter in the discussion.
d. I encourage you that if you aren’t
familiar with Textual Criticism please to our previous episodes in this series
on Bible Versions.
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