Why is the Bible important to believers? Is there any real purpose for knowing it? What does it say about this matter in the Bible itself? What are some dangers to be avoided in handling the Word of God? Listen to this episode for answers.
Here's our new episode:
The Importance
of the Word
Episode 06
Remnant Bible
a. Testimony of salvation and growth
b. I began growing because I got into the
Word of God.
Love-affair with the Word
a. Never has there been a man or woman who
was greatly, or even moderately, used of God who was not themselves a serious
student of God’s Word.
Wesley said of the Word of God, “I have laid it up in my mind like a choice
treasure, to be ready upon all occasions to counsel, quicken, or caution me.”
b. The longest chapter in the Bible is on
the Word of God. That is pretty significant and should show how important the
Word is by God Himself towards us. We should emphasize things as much as God
word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psa. 119:105)
word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psa.
will delight myself in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. I will
delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.” (Psa. 119:15-16)
c. Psalm 1:1-3, “Blessed is the man that
walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners,
nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the
LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a
tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his
season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
d. The Word of God is spiritual food for the
spiritual man. If he doesn’t eat regularly he will starve to death.
is the Word important? (2 Tim. 3:16-17)—(What’s right, what’s wrong, how to get
right, and how to stay right)
a. For doctrine (What’s right)
means, “what is taught by an instructor”. The written Word of God is the only
infallible source of doctrine, or teaching, about the God of Heaven. We have
creation and conscience to bear witness to His existence and law, but the
specifics beyond that are found in the Word. Spiritual things are subjective:
they must be judged. Even the prophets were told by Paul the Apostle that they
were to be judged (1 Cor. 14:29-30). The OT prophets were not supposed to be
revered until they were proven (Deu. 18:21-22; 1 Sam. 3:19-20). The measuring
line that we hold up today to examine teachers is the Word of God (Acts 17:11).
1. Paul told Timothy, “Till I come, give
attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (1 Ti. 4:13)
2. And also, “Take heed unto thyself, and
unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save
thyself, and them that hear thee.” (1 Tim 4:16)
are ways that doctrine can be abused. Doctrine is not an end in and of itself
for people to say that they have the truth and then do nothing with it. We are
not to be hearers of the truth only, but doers of the truth also (Jas.
1:23-25). There are whole denominations that glory in their doctrine and not in
God. They have knowledge without wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to apply
knowledge correctly. They’re like engineers marveling at a bridge that’s
exquisite in design. “How marvelous is the bridge! How wonderful!” But they
never walk across it, and so they never benefit from its intended purpose.
that’s not a perfect analogy. Doctrine’s purpose is to reveal things about the
person, mind, and working of the God who is invisible to the eyes…at the
current time. The Word of God is an earthly and tangible record of spiritual
realities for us. That which it records as truths about the spiritual realities
invisible to our senses as yet is what we call “doctrine”. The Shepherd has
determined by His wisdom the way for His sheep to go in. If they go beyond
that, they are going out of the determined course of the Shepherd.
the Word is to be studied for the purpose of obtaining right doctrine. But even
moreso for the purpose of seeking, knowing, and serving God correctly. All
roads may lead to Rome, but only one leads to God’s heavenly city.
b. For reproof (what’s wrong)
Proverbs we are told, “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and
reproofs of instruction are the way of life:” (Pro. 6:23)
you are a Christian, you’re getting used to being reproved by God. The Word of
God sets forth God’s standards of righteousness. When we hold it up to
ourselves we are shown our faults. That’s what reproof means, “setting forth
faults”. But as those born of the Spirit of God that’s what we desire!
John 3:21 we’re told, “But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his
deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
Christian wants to know, and indeed longs to know, what their faults are! I
want to know my faults, my shortcomings, and my blind spots so that I can get
them right before God. I want to be pleasing in His sight, and that requires
that I be shown where I am not pleasing in His sight. The Word of God is that
lamp and light to show us our faults.
we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the
Lord.” (2 Cor. 3:18) It is the Word of God that we look into to compare
ourselves with God’s standard of what needs to be changed in us to bring us
into agreement with Him. Two cannot walk together unless they be agreed (Amos
3:3). This means that we must change to walk with God.
also in that verse (2 Cor. 3:18), that as we continue to look into the Word of
God that it is the Spirit of God which changes us. The Word and the Spirit go
hand in hand and will never contradict each other, but they will work together
for the same purpose.
c. For correction (How to get right)
much as the Lord will use His Word to tell us we’re wrong and what needs to be
changed, He won’t leave us without telling us what we need to change to.
it’s sad to see that the professing church doesn’t want the same standards that
God does. The majority don’t “seek out of the book of the Lord” (Isa. 34:16) to
know anything about what God expects of them. They’ve allowed themselves to be
deceived into thinking that because they said a prayer or made a decision that
God’s going to do the rest. In a sense, they’re right. God is the one who
saves, but man’s part is to be committed to Him.
Lord opened Lydia’s heart we read in Acts 16:14 that she attended upon Paul’s
words. He will open people’s hearts and give them understanding, but their
commandment from Him is to abide and continue with Him. God will not drag you
kicking and screaming to heaven any more than He will drag you kicking and
screaming to read and study His Word. If you cared to be instructed by Him then
you would willfully and intentionally attend to His Word. God has not hid His
Word in that sense. Man, for the most part, has refused to obey it.
d. For instruction in righteousness (how to
stay right)
can finish 2 Timothy 3:16-17 with this part, “All scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be
perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
has given man in black and white all that he needs to know to stand righteous
before Him in Christ Jesus, having confidence of heaven, victory over all the
devices of every enemy, and to have fellowship with his God. We may be perfect
before Him he says. Yet few will take the necessary time to seek Him.
Bible is sold at the dollar store next to coloring books. We eat fast food
meals that cost more than a Bible in the US. Just like the Lord has said, “To
whom much is given much will be required.” (Luke 12:48) I mean, what are people
going to say at the Judgment? “I’m sorry Lord Game of Thrones was really good this season.” If you had any idea
of the reality of heaven, or hell, you wouldn’t be wasting your time playing
video games or watching TV and movies. I say that as somebody who struggles
with the temptation of entertainment regularly. But the reality of the coming
Judgment convicts me of the need to be watchful and instructed in
e. For growth
said, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow
thereby.” (1 Pet. 2:2) Peter isn’t implying that it’s only new Christians who
need the Word of God. New Christians have a zeal for wanting to know God’s Word
that can fade over time if they let it. We all need to keep that zeal there. We
need to keep the newborn desire for the Word. The results are that we will
equipping to serve God
Ephesians 6 we are told about the armor of God. That is, the spiritual
equipment that God has given us to do battle on the frontlines of His war.
People try to cop out, “God has an army and he’ll fight my battles for me!”
Yes, that’s true but don’t forget that you’re a soldier in that army of His.
You are supposed to be fighting God’s battles. He’ll put you somewhere that He
sees fit, but that’s where you’re supposed to fight and stand.
only weapon listed in the armor is the Word of God. It’s referred to as “the
sword of the Spirit.” Again, we see the connection between the Word of God and
the Spirit of God. What good is the shield of faith without the sword of the
Spirit, the Word of God? You will be able to defend yourself from darts but you
will never move forward in the battle for victory. Practically, faith needs an
object. We put faith into things or people. God’s Word gives us both: truths to
believe, and the person of Jesus Christ to believe on. You need the sword and
the shield together.
If you
want to be spiritual, be filled with the Word of God. Jesus said, “The words
that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63) It is
the spirit that quickens you, and the Lord has said His words are spirit and
life. On the basis of Christ’s own words therefore, I don’t consider someone
spiritually minded who doesn’t love the Word of God.
Word of God is our only true, infallible, spiritual weapon. With it we can be
spiritual minded servants of the living God.
g. For comfort
the Apostle also tells us, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were
written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the
scriptures might have hope.” (Rom. 15:4)
have been given promises directly from God, who cannot lie. When we stand upon
His promises we can be at peace in the middle of terrible earthly
circumstances. We can be certain of things that are not visibly seen, and of
things that have not even happened yet.
We also
have the testimonies of men of God who walked before us. Noah and a global
judgment, Daniel being cast to lions, the three Hebrews thrown into a furnace,
Jeremiah being protected through the judgment of God against Jerusalem, and
many who were faithful unto death. The Lord took care of them and protected
them until their time to depart. These things were all written for our ability to
walk with the same God. We can absolutely learn patience and comfort from the
h. It is necessary to be saved
you don’t have the Word of God then you don’t have God. We are told, “How then
shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a
preacher?” (Rom. 10:14) And also, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing
by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17)
cannot believe on a Savior they have never heard of, and they can’t obey
commandments they are not aware of.
faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the Word of God, then we can also
say that without the Word of God there is no hearing, and without hearing there
is no faith. Where there is no faith then there is no salvation.
does this mean that if someone doesn’t have a Bible, such as in persecuted
countries like North Korea, that they aren’t true Christians? No, but without a
true knowledge of God which comes by His Word they can’t be saved. They have to
have heard the truth and kept it in their hearts and minds. As the Apostle John
said, “Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning.
If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also
shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.” (1 Jn. 2:24)
will say this though, I have never read a testimony from a Christian who
underwent terrible persecution, tortures, and imprisonments who did not say
that they desired a bible more than anything else while in prison. Most
survived because they held fast to those passages that they memorized before
they were imprisoned. I will say to you, if you were imprisoned tomorrow to be
tortured and endure such trials of faith, are you confident of your foundation
in the knowledge of Christ to say that you will endure to the end? Sobering:
yes. Is it possible: absolutely.
to be avoided
a. Allowing a “lens” to be put over our eyes
you’re young in the Lord it seems to you that almost everyone at a church is a
spiritual giant. It’s easy to come under the influence of a well-meaning
teacher or preacher who you will learn from. That’s not necessarily wrong, but
oftentimes they become your interpreter.
lens works as something that comes between you and God’s Word. You are taught a
certain doctrinal view before you know the scriptures and you accept it. Then,
for a long time you don’t even think about examining whether or not it’s true.
Many will continue in the exact same doctrine that they received from the
person or church that they began their walk with. Even if their doctrine is
right, it can do lasting damage to your relationship with the Lord because you
never learn to be alone with God. You never learn to “prove all things”.
came a time in my walk when that was the case with me. I was initially led to
an Independent Fundamental Baptist church. I was told very early on that I was
“eternally secure”. It took years for the thought to even occur to me that I
should examine my doctrine. I began at the first point and studied forward. I
had studied at a bible institute and bible college at this point, and I also
had read the “deep” works on hermeneutics by some notable teachers today. When
I started studying I set aside ALL my presuppositions. I proved every single
line of reasoning backwards and forwards with a plain sense scripture text. By
doing so I found out the errors that I had assumed were true.
b. Setting up idols in our hearts
was an interesting quote from C.S. Lewis. I don’t personally like Lewis because
I doubt his testimony of salvation. I have read his works, and I still doubt it
by the words from his own mouth. Nevertheless the man was an excellent logical
thinker. He said, ““…there flashed across my opening mind the great truth that
refutation is no necessary part of argument. Assume that your opponent is
wrong, and then explain his error, and the world will be at your feet.” (C.S.
Lewis, God in the Dock, page 273)
called this type of logical fallacy a “bulverism”. I call it setting up an idol
in your heart. It’s something that you’re not willing to part with, and it’s
dangerous. It is often a pet sin or doctrine. God has said that to marry a divorced
person, while their former spouse is still living, is to commit adultery. Try
to find a pulpit that teaches that correctly. God says that if you turn from
Christ He will cast you forth as a dead branch to be burned. Try to find a
pulpit that teaches that correctly.
seek the path of least resistance. What I have asked people more than once when
asked about certain things is, “Can God ask too much of you?” God cannot give
you a hard commandment really. He can only expose something that you are not
willing to part with. That is idolatry. Whether it’s a sin or a false doctrine
it can cost you your relationship with the Lord entirely.
must maintain a humble heart before the Lord. When we approach unto Him we need
to come understanding that EVERY thing is on the table. If He asks for it, it’s
His to take or change. I’ve been convicted by the Lord in this type of idolatry
before. I know that if I had not yielded on the matter that He would’ve quietly
withdrawn Himself from me. The scary thing to me is that I believe it has
happened to multitudes who continue in the church today. God had put His finger
on something and they refused His correction. Subsequently He quietly departed
and wrote Ichabod over their life. He is certainly willing to return, if they
are willing to humble themselves.
c. Using men’s wisdom to understand God’s
cannot approach the Bible like a textbook. It is the one book in existence that
cannot be understood without first knowing its Author.
a spiritual book and it takes a spiritual person to learn it (1 Cor. 2:9-16).
God is a Spirit (John 4:24). God has made it so that the wise in this world will
mostly reject His ways because it costs them their worldly reputation. Paul the
Apostle said himself that there were few wise-men after the flesh, few mighty
men, and few noble men after the world’s nobility that were called. (1 Cor.
cannot study your way to a relationship with God. Try all the academia you
want. Logic is good, but it’s not the Word of God. Men must first be humbled by
the gospel of Christ and the knowledge of sin before they can begin to walk
with God. God gives wisdom as He sees fit, but not to men who haven’t humbled
themselves before Him.
careful about going outside the Word of God to understand God. Be careful about
going to men to understand God. Whether they are professors at a university,
authors of deep intellectual works, or preachers of notable ministries: they
are not God or His Word. Some Christians have walked down the hall of
psychology and never came back. It’s very subtle. “I have a mood disorder” “Oh
really? God said that He will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed
on Him.” I speak from experience on that topic. Be careful. It is very subtle.
Stay with the Word of God, and anything that would cause you to say that a
single verse of scripture is wrong: reject it entirely.
d. Exalting spirit above the Word
in all spiritual topics the pendulum swings to extremes. There are those who
are all Word and no Spirit, and there are those who are all Spirit and no Word.
You end up being either a Pharisee or a Pagan. Neither is correct, and I’m
suspicious of anyone who falls under the banner of either extreme.
Word of God was written down by men under the direct guidance of the Spirit of
God (2 Pet. 1:21). It is the Word of God that is said to be profitable for
doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness; that the man
of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
But it is the Spirit of God that enables us to understand the Word of God.
said that when the Spirit of Truth came unto the disciples He would teach them
yes, but He would also not speak of Himself (John 16:13-14). The Spirit of God
always glorifies Jesus Christ. He will not speak of Himself.
the manifestation of the Spirit in signs and wonders was said in Mark 16:20 to
be only to confirm the Word. It’s also repeated in Acts 14:3 where we read, “Long
time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony
unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their
hands.” (Act 14:3) The signs and wonders were a testimony by God the Father
unto the Word that the disciples preached.
me try to give you an example. Some people say “The Lord told me this”. That’s
not necessarily wrong to say, but how do you know it’s the Lord? Usually people
will quote from John 10 and say, “His sheep know His voice and another they
will not follow.” I don’t detract from that at all. But can you see that the
ground for them believing that is the fact that the Word of God told them? They
wouldn’t otherwise have an objective fact to defend themselves if that wasn’t
the case. But I will say be very careful in these things. When the Lord
revealed His Word to Samuel, in the sense of His voice speaking to Him as a
prophet, in 1 Samuel 3, Samuel confused it for a physical person’s voice. He
didn’t have to guess what was said or interpret it. God spoke that clearly. We
don’t see prophets in the OT having to “discern” the Lord’s voice. I know of
people who have wandered down this avenue and got away from scripture and now they
have received another spirit that they believe is more authoritative that God’s
Word. The only spirit that would say that is another spirit. Paul’s words to
the Corinthians make clear that it is very easy to be deceived and receive
another spirit (2 Cor. 11:3-4). I often find that it is through a contemplative
route that people are led astray. “Empty your mind,” they say. “Be still and
know,” they say as they rip verses from their context and meaning. All I will
say is be careful. I know brethren that exercise spiritual gifts according to
the biblical pattern and it never came through that manner.
certainly not trying to take away from seeking spiritual gifts in the body of
Christ. We are told to “covet earnestly the best gifts” for the use of edifying
the body of Christ. These things are given by God to the body as He wills (1
Cor. 12:11). But the Word of God is for every child of God. Be careful to
maintain the proper balance, and if I may say so, if you continue to seek the
Lord in His Word He’ll keep you balanced.
must be mixed with faith
a. Without faith it is impossible to please
Word of God does not profit you if you don’t have faith. We are told in Hebrews
why the Israelites in the wilderness were overthrown, “For unto us was the
gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit
them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” (Heb. 4:2)
is not enough to read the Bible, study it, and memorize it. Its words are not
magical incantations that just because you can recite them they will work on
you. The Lord looks on the thoughts and intents of the heart. His Word is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12). God is not
fooled by outward appearance. The difference when faith is mixed with the Word
is seen in trials and temptations as well as in times of ease and prosperity. A
believer will live by the Word because they believe its warnings, promises, and
has said that men will give an account for every idle word that they speak
(Mat. 12:36). Those that know that verse and place faith in the Word will
exercise themselves to guard what they say. They will do it because they heed
the warning and believe in the God who spoke it. Also, because they walk by
faith in it God is pleased with them.
if someone knows the verse and doesn’t place their faith in it then they will
be swiftly rebuked by the Lord in the judgment. They knew what God had said and
did not obey it. (Luke 12:47) It is fearful to think of their end. Hearers but not
doers. Consider James’ words:
1. “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and
superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which
is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer,
he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth
himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he
was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein,
he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be
blessed in his deed.” (Jas. 1:21-25)
b. Our faith is in God
Word is an objective record of truth about and from God to man. We need to be
careful to not miss the forest because of the trees. There are endless tangents
and distractions waiting to catch you if you let them. It is wonderful to study
the Word of God: but don’t lose your love for the God who gave His Word. It is
Him that your love and affection is directed toward. It is God’s face that you
seek. Your faith is in God to do according to those things that He teaches you
and promises you in His Word.
in the Word. Let it dwell richly in your hearts. Pray and seek the Lord for
understanding, and with patience He’ll teach you.
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